,1920'S Enameled Chain Mesh Flapper Purse With Enameled Frame. Metal Tag. 5" Wide, 8" Long, 15.25" Chain
This is a really amazing piece, one that will be remembered and treasured. Whiting & Davis have been joining little metal tiles into shimmering sheets of possibility since 1876. Fashion trends are changing all the time; one thing

Item #: 17422502
1 in stock.

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,1930'S Enameled Dresden Mesh Flapper Purse. Signed Inside. 4" Wide At Frame, 5.8" Long, 12" Chain
Give a memorable gift by selecting this exquisite item. Whiting & Davis have been joining little metal tiles into shimmering sheets of possibility since 1876. Fashion trends are changing all the time; one thing

Item #: 17422503
1 in stock.

Click to enlarge